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Own Your Quiet Superpower.

Change Your World.


Madelon Deming, Coach for Introverts, Empaths, and HSPs

I coach ambitious introverts who want to unlock their full potential and succeed in the workplace. Partner with me for actionable steps, strategies, communication tips, and build your confidence to get noticed and win!


Be heard. Be noticed. Be promoted.

Embrace your strengths. Leverage your quiet superpower.  

Common Obstacles for Introverts in the Workplace

Does this sound like you?

You find it difficult to speak up in a meeting.

You aren't comfortable speaking up and miss the opportunity to share your ideas.

You dread interviews & talking about yourself.

You hate the attention being on you & you're unsure how to talk about yourself.

You are tired of being overlooked.

You aren't sure of how to advocate for yourself in the workplace and get noticed.

You fear being unprepared.

You loathe being caught off guard and not having the right answer. 

You fear you aren't good enough.

You doubt yourself and your abilities and compare yourself to others.

You worry about what others think of you.

You feel like you're different and like you don't belong. 

How Does It Work?

It Starts With Three Steps


Click the button below to schedule your free 30-minute discovery call.


Together we'll create a robust plan to kickstart your journey.


I'll be with you at every step as you take action toward your goals.

What People Are Saying


If you’re even mildly considering career coaching, you owe it to yourself to reach out to Madelon. She has an approachable and intuitive nature that can help with decisions and inflection points, both large and small. Not only does she provide solid practical advice drawn from her deep well of industry experience, but she also excels as an enthusiastic cheerleader during any uncertain pivot you may find yourself in. She goes above and beyond, and her genuine care for her clients is readily apparent.

-Andrew N., Software Engineering Manager

Madelon took notes and was focused on anything I said, catching the necessary details to uncover the real reasons behind my inquiry. She helped me tremendously to rethink my strategy, focusing it on networking, something more appropriate for what I aim long term. I learned heaps of tricks to align my online presence (LinkedIn) with my career goals which made a lot of sense. She is a gem as a coach, totally recommended.

-Luis M., Product Designer

Meeting with Madelon was a great experience! Her guidance helped me prioritize and achieve my goals, and she provided valuable insights to enhance my resume. Her suggestions were accurate and practical, and her positive energy made the sessions enjoyable. Looking forward to the next session with her!

-Shadi S., Creative Project Manager

Ready to succeed at work and scale your career?

I can help you with that.

     • Gain confidence • Advocate for yourself • Get recognition for your contributions • Set your boundaries • Own your unique value

Embrace the power of your introvertedness from a Coach who gets it.

Madelon Deming, Coach for Introverts in Life and Career

I help introverts unlock their potential and tap into their quiet strengths. My style of coaching blends thought-provoking questions, shared insights, and methods to build confidence.

I get it, you're introverted. I am too. My role as a recruiter meant I spent the majority of my workday with people. Interviewing, negotiating with, and evaluating people. By the time 5:00 rolled around I was exhausted, my battery was drained. Yet, the reason I found success in my role was because I'm an introvert. My ability to listen intently and understand the meaning behind people's words allowed me to excel in my work.

Many people I worked with and interviewed also identified as introverts. Many of the themes we discussed covered the same topics: being overlooked, feeling underestimated, and often lonely and misjudged. Realizing this was my 'aha' moment and what led me to becoming a Coach.

Just as a leaf transforms with the seasons, your personal journey as an introvert is a continuous cycle of growth and change. Embrace the idea that every day is an opportunity for renewal, new beginnings, and endless possibilities. Let your career and personal evolution bloom with New Leaf Coaching!